How to Calculate Under the Bradford Points System
Author: CCa2z
Date: 19th November 2009
Bradford scores are a way of identifying individuals with serious absence and patterns of absence worthy of further investigation. It helps highlight causes of concern and often is one of the first steps in an attendance prodedure.
The Calculation
The Bradford factor works by combining the amount of days someone is absent by the amount of episodes in a rolling 52 weeks. The fomula to work this out is;
Episodes x Episodes x Days
An individual absent 10 times on 10 different occasions would have the following Bradford Points;
10 x 10 x 10 = 1,000
An individual absent on one occasion for 10 days would score as follows;
1 x 1 x 10 = 10
This 'weights' the habitual absentee higher.
So three indviduals all absent for 14 days will score differently dependent upon the number of episodes.
1) 1 absence of 14 days is 14 points (1 x 1 x 14)
2) 7 absences of 2 days each is 686 points (7 x 7 x 14)
3) 14 absences of 1 day each is 2,744 points (14 x 14 x 14)